We will continue from our last post discussing a few concerns that our clients have expressed and our solutions, services that are targeted at addressing same.
In our last post, we addressed client worries related to four of our services; Governance, Philanthropy, Islamic Estate Planning and Digital Assets. SEE OUR LAST POST HERE
Today, we’ll be targeting four of our services; Wealth Preservation, Next Generation – coaching and advisory, Family Offices, Estate and Legacy Planning (Onshore/Offshore)
Wealth Preservation Solutions

Growing and preserving your family wealth is important for financial stability presently and in the future. We work with your advisers and other professionals to optimize your assets portfolio (real estate & financial assets etc) and also provide cross-border opportunities leveraging on our extensive international network to diversify and preserve your assets base aimed at instituting intergenerational sustainable wealth.
Next Generation - Coaching and Advisory

We understand the importance of family values and traditions.
Hence, we discuss long preserved values with our clients’ next and
succeeding generations. Bearing in mind that values should be
reflective of your family as a unit, we create an environment of
inclusivity by ensuring every member of your family participates in and
contributes to the development of what is the shared purpose and
expectations of members of the family with the aim of engendering sustainability of the family’s wealth and legacy.
Family Offices

Families with significant assets and investment holdings at some point in the family’s lifecycle would require a structure that helps to administer its assets, its dispersed financial holdings and provide ease in management of the family’s affair whether personal, financial or for succession purposes. Hence the setup of a family office.
To secure the benefits of owning and operating a family office, we ensure that the structure is suitable for the family and it’s set objectives per time while instituting best governance and operational practices that puts the family, its evolving generations and sustainable legacy at the centre.
Estate and Legacy Planning (Onshore/Offshore)

Our estate planning service offers guidance and assists our clients with structuring their succession plan and transfer of wealth to succeeding generation.
Using our estate and legacy planning services, you are able to pass what you have on to whom you want, when you want, and in the manner you want. This will prevent unnecessary costs (litigation, probate, etc.) or chaos in your estate at your demise.